

The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO®) model was introduced by William Schutz in 1958 to understand individual behaviors and the behaviors of others.  Schutz believed that when people get together in a group whether it be a small group of individuals in a professional setting or a personal setting, individuals tend to exhibit a certain behavior. The (FIRO®) model is based on interpersonal behavioral needs of individuals and is categorized in three main areas.  The three main interpersonal need areas individuals are seeking are affection/openness, control, and inclusion.  The FIRO® assessments are administered to help individuals understand their behavior and the behaviors of others in interpersonal situations.  For over 50 years, the FIRO-B® instrument has been used to help people around the world understand how their need for inclusion, control, and affection can shape their interactions with others at work or in their personal life.


The FIRO-B® is easy to administer and complete.  The assessment contains 54 items and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.  The assessment is completed entirely online and will be reviewed with a certified practitioner.


The FIRO-B® instrument is ideal for:


  •  Individual and Leadership Coaching – Understand communication style and improve performance 
  • Team Building and Communication Workshops– Build more effective teams with understanding of communication needs 
  • Conflict Management – Understand interactions with others in order to reduce conflict


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